Date: 2023/04/29

4/29 Guest appearance in "The XNUMXth Bomber Night ~Butosei!~"!

Bomber Bite, which was postponed due to the corona crisis, is finally back!Showa Day event presented by Showa Bomb.
Guests include singer-songwriter Shuhei Watanabe, instrumental unit Piano Jack, and Masayoshi Yamazaki, who participated for the second time.

"The 7th Bomber Night ~ Blow away ~"
Date: Saturday, April 5, 4 [Showa Day]
Doors open: 16:30 Start: 17:00
Venue: TOPS Bitts HALL (5-783 Oishi, Oita City, Oita Prefecture)
Starring: Showa Bomb, PANTS EX, Shuhei Watanabe, →Pia-no-jaC←, Masayoshi Yamazaki

Tickets: Advance: 5000 yen / Same-day: 5500 yen * 1 drink sold separately
* Free admission for preschoolers