Transit time

Released November 2002.05.29, XNUMX

UPCH-1154 / 5

3,500JPY(tax included)


  1. 1. Bake bread
  2. 2.Sleeping Butterfly
  3. 3. Circus
  4. 4. Water tank
  5. 5. Heart rate
  6. 6.Super Suspicion
  7. 7. Let's go to PARIS
  8. 8. Summer Monologue
  9. 9. Ward office
  10. 10. On sunny days and Mondays
  11. 11. I am here
  12. 12. coins


  1. 1. time
  2. 2. Amber head wind
  3. 3. Benjamin
  4. 4. Passage
  5. 5. Nui China Syndrome
  6. 6. eldest son
  7. 7. Gumshala Butterfly
  8. 8. illuminated by the moonlight
  9. 9. Identity Crisis-End of Puberty-
  10. 10.Plastic Soul
  11. 11. Tomorrow's wind

We performed 89 live recordings and recorded takes that carefully selected representative songs that colored the Transit Time Tour.