
2022.07.21 Shops

Sukima Switch interview posted on Takarajimasha "Sugakiya FAN BOOK"!

Founded 76 years ago, the first official fan book of "Sugakiya", which Nagoya is proud of all over the country, is on sale!
Factory & head office coverage, where the secret of deliciousness is hidden in the popularity ranking of the two major classics "ramen" & "sweetness"
From the large dissection of the mascot character "Sue-chan" to Sugakiya trivia, this is a must-read book not only for Sugakiya fans but also for those from the Tokai region.

In addition, actors Jiro Sato, Sukima Switch, SKE48's Akari Suda & Mio Hayashi, who are from Aichi prefecture and are also Sugakiya freaks, will talk about their charms!

"Sugakiya FAN BOOK"
Release date: Thursday, July 7
Publisher: Takarajimasha
List price: 990 yen (tax included)

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