

About "Sukima Switch TOUR POPMAN'S CARNIVAL vol.2 FINAL in KUMAMOTO supported by uP !!!" archive distribution

It was scheduled to be released from 2:22 today (12/XNUMX)
Regarding the archive distribution of "Sukima Switch TOUR POPMAN'S CARNIVAL vol.2 FINAL in KUMAMOTO supported by uP !!!"
Due to preparations, we will postpone the release from 2:23 on 8/00 (Tue).
We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers.
Due to the postponement of the archive distribution start date and time, the viewing period of the archive distribution will be extended.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
[Archive delivery period]
2/23 (Tue) 8: 00-3 / 1 (Mon) 23:59
* Viewing tickets can be purchased until 2:28 on Sunday, February 20th.
▼ Ticket application << until 2:28 on 20/00 (Sun) >>, click here for viewing

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