The guitar playing score of the self-cover best album "DOUBLES BEST" is on sale!
【Product Details】
Guitar playing narration sukima switch / DOUBLES BEST
定価:1,575円(税込み) 装丁:B5判/98ページ 書籍番号:978-4-285-13635-7 内容:アルバム「DOUBLES BEST」収録の12曲をギター弾き語りスコアで収載の他、1万字インタビューも掲載。 スコアについてのお問い合わせ先:株式会社ドレミ楽譜出版社(営業部) Tel.03-5291-1645 Fax.03-5291-1646
[How to order] If you would like to purchase, please purchase (reserve) at a musical instrument store, a bookstore that handles sheet music, etc., or contact Doremi Music Publishing.You can also search and purchase products on the Internet.Please see the Doremi Music Publishing website.