
Moto Chitose + Masayoshi Sada (COIL Okamoto definition and Masayoshi Yamazaki) "Soft cycle"

JAPAN FM LEAGUE's 2010 eco message song, which was produced at the end of 2009, created the concept of Augusta Camp. At that time, the former Chitose second child was pregnant, so the two producers went to Amami Oshima to record Chitose's vocals. It can be said that the meeting at this time (of course, the seat of sake) and the live performance at Amami's live house ASIVI, which took place in a burst, set the course for this okan. I think that you can fully enjoy the "depth of expression", "better communication of songs," and "sing together" that acoustics have. The live performance at ASIVI was very exciting for Augusta artists, saying, "I can do it if I have a guitar and a song." Acoustic King Yamazaki's guitar and melody, original Chitose's organic singing, and lyrics with precise concept work defined by Okamoto are a perfect fusion and sublime work. With the idea of ​​Yamazaki, I had the audience sing a chorus during the live performance, recorded it, and incorporated it into the song. It seems as if we can hear the voices of ASIVI customers then spread to the voices of OCAN customers.

Original ChitoseOfficial Site

Okamoto definitionOfficial Site

Yamazaki MasayoshiOfficial Site