"Fantasista" SPECIAL PAGE
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Okamoto definition (from COIL) The long-awaited 2nd solo album Okamoto definition
Adult fancy music that is composed of musical pieces in which Takumi's skills are scattered from M1 "Rabbit-chan" to M14 "Bosa no Baburusu" (with Masayoshi Yamazaki).
2nd solo album "Fantasista" 2nd solo album "Fantasista" 2010.07.07 on release !! ATS-026 ¥ 2,500 (tax included)
Listen to all "Fantasista" songs
PV full audition
The words defined by Okamoto are always bright.
It's difficult because it puts the words on the melody again casually.
This album gives a glimpse of the depth of his musical knowledge.
Please be careful. Last minute he is a Bruce man.
It's a good album. Congrats. Mr. Sada.
(Yamazaki Masayoshi)

I listened to Fantasista.
Chords, rhythms, melodies, and words.
By manipulating them freely, you can entertain the mysterious yet pop world.
Okamoto definition is an artist like a magician.
(Takuya Ohashi / Sukima Switch)

■ Message From Okamoto Definition