
I don't care what others are doing.
I'm running out of time because my hobbies and interests are new everyday.
I am busy developing and refining my inner feelings, thoughts and senses.
The joy of knowing what you didn't know.
It's only after you've touched the same book, music, or movie that you notice it.
Oh! Squid! I feel.
I find it most fun when I am looking for an answer.
I drunk less, but did I sleep less...?
I'm still drunk.
I'm going to watch the movie I've watched again and again!
What kind of discoveries are there today?

Reading books, listening to records, playing the guitar, watching movies.
Listen to the sounds of wind and rain and the voices of birds, watch the sky, clouds, the setting sun, the moon, stars, Fuji, towers and the lights of the city.
Drink a little, play with a cat...
Click on the net
I don't have time to watch TV or go out!
Longing for a secluded life.
Ivory tower.

July 2020

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