
I'll do Sadayoshi this Saturday.
September 9, Karaoke Hall MIEKO.

K, K, karaoke? !
Well, no way? !

S, A, D, A, Sada
Do you do something like that?

If you are near, please come and see us.

It's today
I have to sleep early!

I went to the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art in Ueno.
I met Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring.
It's like going to see only that picture.
No, the real thing is amazing!
I wonder if I watched it for 2 to 30 minutes.
The expression looks different if you change the angle.
Perhaps it has some influence on the composition.

I wish I could write a good song.

Last Saturday's story was Sumimasen.
No, it was really fun this time too!

AWA in Awa, Leyona-chan with love, smile and flowers, Nishi-san Rose and Yama-chan with harp waiting for a bus, BIRDS and music in the strongest sound modachi.
I used non-alcohol until Angkor.
I don't want to get drunk somehow.

Well, until then and after that I had been drinking so much.
I also enjoyed delicious sake and food.

Nishi-san, Yama-chan, Kitaro-san, Genta-san, Leyona-chan,
King & Young, Sala, all the staff,
And thank you very much for the customers who came to see us!

I was happy to participate in a wonderful event.
I hope you will call me again.

Mr. Nishi?
At the end of this month in Kyushu, are you going to do Sadayoshi Shinji? !
Is it OK to drink alcohol this time?

Now, it's Anan Tokushima!
I will continue to take care of you last year.
Please, please.

What kind of stage will this year have?
I'll do rehabilitation on-site.

Nishi, Yama, Leyona, Kitaro, and Genta.
Confident ants who can deliver a fun live with pleasant friends.
If you don't mind, please come visit us.

I'm really looking forward to delicious sake and food too!

Iloilo Moromoro, I was kind of fluttering.
The blog is updated, and Sabo is sumanu.

I was watching first moon and blue moon.
After all, I like the moon.

Summer rain is also good.
The guerrilla heavy rain is that.

Hal David, he died...
Let's get wet in the rain for a little while.

July 2020

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