Sampling sun

Sampling sun

A four-person band composed of Hitoshi Yano (G&Vo.), Yuichi Taga (Key&Vo.), Toshihiko Nomura (B&Cho.), and Masato Kawasaki (Dr.).
The last one-man live in July 2006 was disbanded. Members are still active in music activities.


  • Frenzy Pop Jr.
    ATS-003 XNUMX
    1,500 yen (+tax)
  • Frenzy Pop Jr.

    • 01. Ultra Generation
    • 02. Sakura song
    • 03. Bye Bye My Bowling Day
    • 04. Sentimental progress
    • 05. AT THE.
    • 06. Naughty I in the water
    • 07. Sgt.killer's Happy Hearts Orchestra

The 2nd album sent by Sampling Sun, who lives in Kyoto. As the title suggests, this work, which has the theme of "Kyosou Pop," has a catchy melody and a sense of drive, which makes it "Oh!" Perform better than expected! Anyway, it’s thick! Among the infinite possibilities of pop sound, their sound has a strong straightness and excitement.
 As an aside, when I heard that the owner of a famous ramen shop somewhere said, "Imitate, learn, and go beyond," I realized that it also leads to music. Absorbing each music into the source of the individuality of the four people (learning by imitating), the scientific changes in which the individuality collides are abundantly packed in "Frenzy Pop Jr.".This work, in which the rough cutting of the live and the sound making overlap at a high level, is a powerful board as a work.
This time we welcomed COIL's Yosuke Sato as a producer engineer, and in the good sense, she brought out the poison and melody sense of the sampling sun. The twin vocals, which are rarely seen these days (laughs), and their sound that strikes out with an exquisite sense of balance is worth listening.