


■General release: Saturday, August 2024, 8, 24:10
eplus (Until 9:20 on Friday, September 18th)
Ticket Pia (Until 9:20 on Friday, September 23th)
Lawson Ticket (Until 9:20 on Friday, September 22th)
Rakuten ticket (Closed)

*S reserved seats are not available.
* Advance tickets will be sold during the above period as "same-day exchange tickets." Seat types and prices will remain unchanged.


A reserved seat
¥ 13,000 (tax included)


Free area
General ¥12,000 (tax included) / Elementary school student ¥6,000 (tax included)


Please read the event guidelines carefully before applying.

The guidelines are here.



■ Seat types/prices (electronic ticket/paper ticket selection required)

*The venue layout is subject to change.



①S reserved seat / limited to 4 tickets SOLD OUT
¥ 15,000 (tax included)
*The area close to the stage will be designated.
*S seats are only available for advance reception at the official fan club.
There will be no general sale, so if you are interested, please apply as soon as possible.
* Paid for elementary school students and above
* Preschool children can view on the lap of their guardians.
If a preschooler needs a seat, please purchase a ticket separately from the accompanying guardian.


②A reserved seat / limited to 4 tickets

¥ 13,000 (tax included)
* Paid for elementary school students and above
* Preschool children can view on the lap of their guardians.If a preschooler needs a seat, please purchase a ticket separately from the accompanying guardian.
*Sales may be discontinued before the general sale as soon as the planned number is reached.


③Free area (general) / Number of tickets limited to 4
¥ 12,000 (tax included)
*Fees apply for elementary school students and above. Children of elementary school age can also purchase in "④ Free Area (Elementary School Students)".
*With admission reference number
*Sales may be discontinued before the general sale as soon as the planned number is reached.


④Free area (elementary school students) [Free area only]
¥ 6,000 (tax included)
*Applicable to children under elementary school age.
* Preschool children can view from the seat.
*Elementary school children are not allowed to visit by themselves. Please have a parent accompany you.
* We will check your ID at the time of admission, so
On the day of the event, parents should bring a document (such as an insurance card) that can confirm the child's age.
*With admission reference number


《About the free area》
The area will be reserved for those who have purchased tickets for the free area.
(with reference number, free in area)
One original sheet (50cm x 50cm) will be distributed to each person as a bonus.
One ticket will also be distributed to those who purchase elementary school tickets. (Original sheets will be distributed at the benefit reception on the day)
In the area, please use the original sheet distributed as a guide and give sukima to each other when viewing.
*Please refrain from taking too much sukima.
*Bringing in chairs is limited to chairs that can be folded and used in the original seat.
*Although it is possible to watch while standing, please be considerate so as not to disturb other customers.
* Preschool children can view from the seat.
*This is the area behind the S and A reserved seats.
*Sales may be discontinued before the general sale as soon as the planned number is reached.



General release: Monday, September 2024, 9, 9:10am
Open rehearsal venue viewing ticket: All seats reserved ¥2,500 (tax included)


<Eplus> https://eplus.jp/ac2024/
Until 9:19 on Thursday, September 18th
<Lawson ticket> https://l-tike.com/augustacamp2024/
Until 9:19 on Thursday, September 22th
<Ticket Pia> https://w.pia.jp/t/augusta-camp24/
Until 9:19 on Thursday, September 23th


■Inquiries: SOGO TOKYO
03-3405-9999(月〜土 12:00〜13:00 / 16:00〜19:00※日 曜・祝日を除く)


Click here for guidelines