Kids area will be open again this year!

The kids area of ​​Augusta Camp is

With the theme of ``a small campsite'', the shade of the trees creates a comfortable sukima.
Please use it according to your child's pace!


[KIDS AREA Supported by LOGOS]
Business hours 12: 00 to 19: 30


🎪Tent rental
We will prepare individual tents for diaper changing and breastfeeding.
*Please note that it will be a 30-minute shift system.


🥎Rental equipment
We rent out balls and jump ropes.
*Please use in the kids area.


🖍Coloring/craft corner
We have materials such as masks and coloring pages that are easy to make.


📺Equipped with monitor
You can watch the stage while watching over your child.


💧Water server available
Please use it for making milk and baby food.


🚻Dedicated toilet in the kids area


🍪Candy shop corner
Get XNUMX free sweets of your choice!
*Limited quantity.It will end as soon as it runs out.


If you have any other problems, please ask at KIDS AREA Information.


・There is no childcare service, so please be sure to supervise your children within the area.
・This is a family-only area.
・Please note that admission may be restricted during times of congestion.


Cooperation: LOGOS

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